
Society of Three Speeds!

As the founder of a prominent bicycle club, I appreciate chances to join other clubs. I am pleased to have received this excellent membership package in the mail last week from my internet pal, three speed connoisseur, purveyor of fine comics, good handwriting and all around funky/bohemianism, Shawn Granton:

Society of three speeds

Society of Three Speeds!
There are rules and such, but they are non-onerous if you are fan of three speed bikes:

  1. I will endeavor to promote three speeds as a viable means of transportation.
  2. I will not denigrate three speed bicycles and will not allow others to disparage these humble bicycles.
  3. I will ride my three speed bicycle with pride and immense enjoyment. If I have not yet procured a three speed bicycle, I will do my best to obtain one posthaste.

I heartily recommend joining for the attractive membership package including pins and frame stickers, as well as for the general support of three speed style bicycling. Memberships appear to be currently discounted, so join quick if you are soinclined. If you happen to live in Portland, Shawn organizes many a three speed ride. More info on the Society of Three Speeds website, Shawn also blogs at Urban Adventure League which gets the Moscaline seal of approval.

Part of the reason I started the Tarik Saleh Bike Club was so I could have something to trade with other bike clubs. So let me know if you want to trade some TSBC pins for your bike club stuff. We are truly living in the golden age of bicycle clubs.


Vehicular Hawaii

Went off to Hawaii for a bit for some belated anniversary fun with Elena. Saw some bikes and other vehicles and other stuff. For your viewing pleasure, here are some photos with italicized commentary.

Fastest Rack in the west
Fast standing still

Curbside Board Check, Waikiki
Curbside board check, Waikiki

Fat bike fever crosses over to the segway set.
Pugsloid Segway tires.

Sweet lockbox on a trike parked on the streets of Waikiki
Nice lockbox on the torker  trike

Coach had some frame bags, hilariously awesome
Coach bike bags. The little frame bag was kind of cool, but they didn't like me taking photos.

Wicked Skidouts
Language of wicked skid outs past

All sorts of good aspect ratios Pleasing aspect ratios

Totally got the upgrade
Scored us the upgrade rental

Cool airport vehicles
Boss airport vehicles

Walmart Thruster Fixies are everywhere, this one with the requisite backwards fork

Superfantastic robot time on the volcano
Everyone! Robot!

V-Dub badonkadonk

Vaya con Dios said Elena as I paddled into the heavy surf

Old Light

Five years, five long years, she said

These guys pretty much ran Kauai

rest of the pics