But today at the pet store I saw this:

Ok, so it is $600 bucks, and it has a dorky antenna on the collar, but at least it exists. I need a maruders map of the cats so I can figure out not only where they are hiding, but where they have been after looking for them for 3 hours. And where the hell they go during the day. So this needs to be $200 for the system and less than $10 for each collar mounted system so it does not hurt too much when they loose the collar in the sewer. It needs to track at least 4 cats simultaneously. Good naming of the product as well... So we are getting there.
Clearly the TDF uses something similar for the rider tracking, but they fit under the seats. I am pretty sure that Garmin probably developed this for David "gimp" Millar" but then decided it was more marketable for a dog tracking system. I would like to see him win a stage wearing an antennaed collar. Maybe with some sort of remote shocking capability as well? Anyways...
Cool...but then again I am not sure I reeeealy want to know where the cat has been, sometimes.
Somewhere on the WWW somebody's cat has a blog where they outfitted him with a collar cam and downloaded it at the end of the day. Interesting stuff. (sorry can't find the link at the moment)
I see what you mean, I fear a video would be hours of eating a rotten bird and vomiting over in the bushes behind the neighbors house.
He's got a GPS project, too!
Domestic cat behavioralists should rejoice!
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