It is also at Velonews but they have a nasty habit of changing their links every few years, so I usually don't link to them anymore, but it is here anyway as NYvelocity gets blocked from work and may have been crashed due to traffic for a while after posting the full interview. I am not a huge Paul Kimmage fan as I think his journalism is completely lost in his quest to out doping, but he is exactly in his element in this one.
The most notable thing to me is that Floyd admits testosterone patch use (floydtosterone lives!) and blood packing, but STILL denies that he should have been caught at the tour for testosterone. Read the interview. This is a bit weird, but maybe he is still trying to avoid getting some sort of perjury charge. Who knows. This is his excuse for spending tons of time and his money and others money trying to clear his name. The positive made no sense to him and the lab work was sloppy thus he should be cleared. I sort of am with him. Sort of. My big problem with the UCI and the testing system has often been how nontransparent and apparently sloppy it is. It really bugs me that they do not have this shit AIRTIGHT and unassailable, not only then, but still. It also bothers me that they (UCI and testing labs) leak tons of information to the press. Finally it bugs me that the UCI has never offered amnesty to riders in exchange for useful doping info, I think we would have heard a whole lot of this kind of story by now if they had been less idiotic. I guess they cut Dilucca's sentence down to 1 year based on turning people in, but I don't think we have heard any details yet. Much of this is also covered in the interview. Did you read the whole thing yet? Good stuff, no?
Floyd has no credibility as he spent a huge amount of time lying about being caught. But I believe he is mostly truthful now. Read the whole interview and if you think he is still lying, fine, but it is hard for me to believe he is just making stuff up at this point. I think his current story will be mostly vindicated over the coming years, much like Jesus Manzano (my doping hero) has been. (and Jose Cansenco too).

Anyhow, I am waiting for someone else with not much to loose to come out with a similar tell all. Tyler, I am looking at you buddy.
Read more about me writing about floyd and doping and the like at the
doping tag
Remember Floytosterone is a registered trademark of the moscaline corporation.