The twenty in front of historic fuller lodge

I had an original raleigh twenty rear fenders thanks to BillM(?) but could not shoe horn any metal or plastic fender between the replacement fork and the 20" marathon winter studded tire. I was able to use a plastic shorty fender, which is better than nothing. I may cut up a fender or two and make an interrupted fender around the crown some day, but it is pretty good now, my feet get wetter than they should, but the rest is fine.
I just got a lumotec LED light to replace the old generator light with and have to figure out a chain guard, and I am in business. I have one off a Bianchi Milano I am trying to shoe horn on there, but it is not going well. I did festoon the bike with reflectors from my great big box of reflectors that I collected from the unwanted reflector kits that came with 3000 dollar road bikes.
It is a great ice bike. I give the Marathon winters a B in performance. They do slide a bit on smooth ice, but I have not crashed with them yet. Me being me, I like really fat studded tires and these are pretty narrow, but they do roll decently. They are pretty good for commuting in the melt during the day, freeze at night time of year. They are lousy in slippery snow, slush or anything deep. However, they are, to my knowledge, the only 20" studded tires available, so they win handily in this scenario..
Have you seen the Hebie Chainglider? I almost bought one at the local dorky commuter store for my duct tape faux Rambouillet, then I realized it'd double the value of the bike and I might start worrying when I lock it up downtown. They're adjustable, so they might be adaptable to the Twenty.
They have somewhat silly urls but it's easy to find at
Thanks for the link, looks like they have alot of chainguards. I am going to give the milano one more try. Failing that I have a small pile of scavenged chainguards off dumpstered huffy/sears bikes and I will see if they will work and then, failing that I will go for a new one to buy. The mounting is a bit wonky on the twenty as there is no real downtube, there is a braze on tab, but it is oddly situated, may need a standoff...
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