For relatively recent readers this blog was started when I was housesitting and taking care of a creaky aged cat named Mosca, hence Moscaline. As my 4 month stint as a house sitter came to an end I transitioned from cats, to bikes and cats, to whatever the hell the blog is about now (bloggold!). The tiny namesake passed on in Dec 2006, but somehow in her honor the blog keeps going. So anyhow,thanks for reading all! I have a mindless drive to inform the mostly faceless 150 or so of you who check in daily that has kept this blog filled from the start. Truly, it is you, dear readers, that have made this possible. Also, only you can prevent forest fires, and stay in school, and say nope to dope, etc...
Piles of race reports and other stuff are in the to-do box, as well as other unspecified adventures still to come, so stay tuned.
In the meantime check out this excellent home made fat cat minibed (thanks for the link jimg)
Thanks for blogging, Tarik.
What I like is the diversity of your posts - it's always interesting.
Looking forward to the next 600 or so posts!
Keep it up Tarik. You always bring a bit of happiness to my day when I read your gold.
With that cat obscuring your face, it's impossible to determine the excellence of your moustache. But of course we can deduce it's excellence, since that is what summons us here.
Keep on mining for blog gold my friend,
600 posts or so, a mighty landmark to be sure! Thanks for sharing, you set the best blog standard still.
T.Saleh you are the man. Been enjoying your posting for awhile so as to keep up with your adventures. Congrats on getting hitched and having a beautiful baby! Ifin you want one of dem jerseys tell me what size and give me an address and I will hook your ass up!
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