had a nice brunch and a belated Christmas with the family and then put together the dirtiest folding bike in the world.

Featuring a melange of (most recently) belgian mud/cowshit, marin and east bay dirt, and uniformly distributed chain oil. This bike is really the ultimate in deferred maintenance. I usually do all the work only when necessary, always on the road, usually in a hotel room. I took the time to change the brake pads that probably had a couple more years left in em, but better safe than sorry:

The whole family went to the zoo together to engage in the christmas family ritual feeding of the Giraffes.
After getting back to my folks house, I left on a daylight ride on my favorite SB miniloop, foothills to the mission. Stopping by the mission canyon Fire depot
To the nice ocean and island views from the mission
Met up with the family for dinner at a restaurant with a cool old skip tooth cruiser parked out front
And then skipped out on dessert to ride back to my folks house in the dark via the coastal route bike path through campus. It was a really good ride on a really nice sunny day, the ride back was a little cool, but again, noting compared to riding on snow and ice in the dark!
The days mileage ended up just a bit over 25 miles, putting me at 47 total after 4 days and 4 rides on three different bikes. Hope everyone else is having fun riding about.
+15 fixed today for JerryM -- 43 total
Ran across this today, so of course I'm in on it:
24th: 11 miles of around town noodlin with my ne'er-do-well bikie pals, followed by bonfire and coffee with brandy.
26th: 51-mile solo fatbikey round trip to the Stewart Tunnel to find the path blocked just south of said tunnel.
Today: 20-mile snowy commute on my old faithful, the Moose.
I count 82, with a planned 20-someodd Fatbike sojourn planned for tomorrow. Thinking I'll make it...
Jerry, excellent going there in the cold.
MoBabo, well done as well, 51 miles on a fatbike is pretty great.
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