The december totals were 27 run and 152 bike with 2 times xc skiing and 3 times ice skating.
As the snow and ice was back for the whole month, I put in 70 on the single speed MTB with studded tires, 20 on the raleigh 20 also with studded tires, 50 on the track bike before the snow got too bad and 10 on the fixie friday in santa barbara and a big 5 on the schwinn breeze. I did drive to work twice as it was 10 degrees and I had a massive head cold.
Yearly totals were 2883 bike and 165 run. Not quite what I had hoped but not too shabby. I was aiming for a 3650 bike 365 run year. Travel and the fact that I did virtually no bike training this year kept the bike mileage pretty low. I think the run mileage goal was probably unreasonable given my inability and unwillingness to run more than twice a week anymore. The yearly run total would have been a 2 week total during my collegiate running days, but my knees, well they are not 20 any more.
Just because the numbers look good I am keeping my goal for next year, but upping it to 3660 bike and 366 run as I think there is an extra day in 2008.
Getting my curves on christmas day in Santa Barbara
click for big
During the year I rode my bike to work every day except 4. Three days I was an evil single person per car commuter and once I was a carpooler. Given how crappy the 06-07 winter was and the fact that I rode every day but the carpool during that time, I am pretty proud. I live 3 miles from work which is a bit too far to walk. There is no real public transportation between me and work so it is a drive vs bike decision. Between 8-06 and 8-07 I did not drive my own car to work. When I lived in berkeley and did not have a car I was able to make it up to berkeley labs from emeryville for a year and a half straight with no car. But I had much better public transportation and mixed mode commuting options. So I am pretty proud like I said...
Yearly per bike milage is as follows:
754 on the Single speed MTB, half on studded tires.
720 on the Kelly Fixie, Bones
516 on the Kelly Road bike
277 on the Schwinn Breeze
227 on the Raleigh 20
173 on the fixie friday
162 on the bridgestone picnica
52 on the Kelly Cross bike
2 on the wedding tandem
Almost 1900 miles of the yearly mileage was on single speeds.
When I look at the per bike list, I am a bit flummoxed on how to contract the bike numbers. And in fact, I am getting at least 1 possibly 2 new bikes this year (Kogswell PR and possibly a Surly Big Dummy). One of the easy fixes would to get a Bike Friday Tikit to replace both my fixie friday and the picnica as it could serve as a travel bike and a "throw in the car and ride around santa fe while elena shops" bike. However, I think derailers on folding bikes are a really really dumb idea and I am not really that excited about the tikit until they make it easily compatible with internal gear and single speed hubs.
All the other bikes have their purpose and the cross bike is used for racing even if I don't do quite as much of it as I used to. It would have gotten more mileage this year but I got married in the middle of cross season and somehow skipped alot of races in the wedding/honeymoon phase. Biking is a pretty good hobby though, so I don't mind having lots of bikes...
On the other motion activities, in 2007 I went xc skiing 21 times, ice skating 16 times and swimming 3 or 4 times.
I raced "real" races 10 times last year ranging from snow shoeing, xcski, mountain bike, duathlon, road bike, cyclocross. I also did 7 short training time trials and one run-swim training duathlon. I like racing...
Overall it was a good bikey and runny year. I will do it again next year. Also I am not burnt out on milage tracking yet, so I will keep up with the reports.
Here is the summary for the last few years:
2003: 2880 bike 128 run
2004: 3667 bike 252 run
2005:~3000 bike ~250 run (10 months tracked, 2 months estimated)
2006:~4000 bike ~100 run (estimate)
2007: 2883 bike 165 run