In addition to
xc ski and
hiking adventures, I spent most of the past weekend down in the bike dungeon. I built 4 wheels, sort of trued a hopelessly taco'd one and waxed two sets of skis. Elena took some photos. I have not photographed the bike dungeon lately. It is somewhat well organized and pretty useful. I like looking at pics of other people's shops so here are some of mine. Full set on flikr
Me in the "wax on" phase. Tool boards and bike bench
Wax off phase, from the other direction
Spontaneous dance party to celebrate building all the wheels and waxing the skis
That's a super sweet apron BTW!
Thanks Matt,
That is a relic of my quasipro singlespeeder days with Kelly, I got the apron (and still have a few NOS stock cross tires) from the generous michelin sponsorship bonanza circa the turn of the century.
Thanks for reading.
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