The coveted Town and Country Trike outside the home of the broken Kim. Whats going on with the seatpost there Kim? Are you secretly that tall? Or is the seattube filled with ice which is pushing the seatpost out....

clickus bigus
Spotted in Chad's bike room, the Schwinn mini cruiser. I kept finding these in trashpiles in Oakland with broken seat tubes. I don't think they make the transition from kid bike to adult jumping bike very well. His daughter learned to ride on this one, which is an admirable thing for any bike to achieve.

click for big
There were rumors of more schwinns and cruisers in the basements in both houses, but I never ventured into cold dank basement hell. The surface level stuff was good enough.
I'd shed blood to get hold of one of the Town & Country trikes and that's just sitting out in the snow like a lost puppy... heartbreaking.
I think it is actually a rider, just in the snow due to the owners documented double collarbone fracture. See previous post...
Yeah, it's sad really... Grandpa Kim couldn't figure out how to lower that saddle... fell off and broke his collarbone... had to leave the trike to fend fer itself.
Damn, sorry to hear that.
Hope he's doing all right.
i was going to tell the real story, but cody beat me to it.
the bike was originally purchased as a joke for when i got old and decrepit. i had no idea i was on the fast track! i've been forced to use that bike for real as a result of three calamitous crashes. after the first one, when i suffered a collapsed lung, brken ribs and a broken collarbone, it was the only bike i could ride for a few weeks.
after that time, i raised the damned saddle. apparently old folks don't know about proper bike fit. i think i'm going to go around to nursing homes and retirement centers--after i heal--and help fit old folks to their exercise bikes. those trikes are hard enough to ride with the correct saddle height!
tarik is correct; i leave the bike outside so it's there in case i need it. it's too hard to bring up the basement stairs with broken bones.
i'll send photos of the basement schwinn collection. i had no idea you were interested.
I would love to see the rest of the collection. Next time I am out there. Maybe we can go for a death defying ride in one of the ghias too...
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