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I think that means smart bike has launched in DC. Any confirmation? Dad? Anyone?
I love the superchopper look on these. Looks like they have the exact same racks and interface as Dijons velodi program. Also the handlebars/rack/light combination is pretty styling...
Update 8/22/08
Commenters say they have launched. Go DC! I hope there are a million return places!
Also a commenter pointed out that these are the same bikes that stockholm has (possibly one of the spanish cities too). It turns out I already blogged these bikes:
here with this photo that I stole from my pal LauritaLaurita:

click for source
Yup, they sure have. You can read a news article about the launch here - http://www.wtopnews.com/index.php?nid=30&sid=1394323. Thanks for using my picture on your blog!
Stockholm has these bikes too.. http://www.stockholmcitybikes.se/en/
Thank you for taking the pic, otherwise I would have not noticed!
Thanks for the link,
Ah, I knew I saw those bikes before, in fact, I linked to them earlier:
Same red version in Barcelona.
Called Bicing : http://www.bicing.com/home/home.php
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