Jason McCartney, Team CSC Saxobank pro, two time olympian, all around bike lover, is featured in todays NYT on a nice short piece on cycling in Beijing. Check the slide show, this is exactly what I did when I was in China. Ride around on a city bike gawking at other cyclists and taking pictures. There is also a fabulously geeky pic of him and canadian olympian michael barry riding around together on their rented city bikes in beijing. The audio slide show is great. Note the ropey calves, note the low seats, great stuff.

click for source.
New York Times Article on Jason McCartney riding in BeijingPrevious blog post on
Pro cyclist grocery bikes featuring McCartney, Michael Barry and Dede Demet Barry.
That's our boy! I know he's all talented in that racing stuff, but I'm so full of townie pride when I see Jason in big media (and in IC) as an average commuter.
Look how happy he is! And dig those squeaky white trainers with black socks!!
Hey T, thanks for pointing out the article. I hope most of the athletes can get out and about a bit and enjoy Beijing while they're there.
I knewd it, I knewd youd be proud!
No problem, my guess is the athletes are having a blast AFTER their events are done. I bet they are pretty darn stressed before the events are done.
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