

What not to get stuck in your head while you are bonked and mostly pushing your bike up a 2000 foot climb.

click for source and delicious bicycling pancake murder song. Wait for the zombies.

You can tell because my crossbar is really low.


jim g said...

That's going on an iPod on continuous repeat for my next brevet attempt!

jim g said...

This song/video has no end, does it?

Tanya said...

What happens when the populatin of the town gets to 0 (if I left the song playing for 418 loops I'd go totally insanely nuts)

Tarik Saleh said...

Ok, if you leave it to go to population zero, zombies arrive.

Anonymous said...

Ooh... dang! I'm gonna be singing that in my sleep. I don't know if it'll annoy me first, or if I'll be singing it and annoy my wife first. We'll see.