Mountain Flyer is the mostly off road magazine of the mountainous west of the country. It has finally hit its stride in issue 10 by featuring me in the community section! Go me. I think it is slowly transitioning from Rocky Mountain centric to a slight bit more national feeling. Kind of how Bike is a West Coast bike mag and Dirt Rag is an East Coast mag, but they both still have enough interest for the national audience, Mountain Flyer is heading ther. The magazine has strong Los Alamos roots as the publisher Brian Riepe grew up here and a number of writers (including my interviewer KoachK) and editors still live in town. So check it out online or on your local news stand.

last time I hit the big time
Well done you media hog, you.
I raced with Katie Compton in the NZ Singlespeed Champs this year (didn't actually see her). She didn't win the woman's section, a local lass called Annika Smail did, and went on to get 2nd at the worlds in Napa.
Awww hell,
Where can a flatlanded Iowan get one of them glossies?
Nice pic of you (of course) and what I can read of the article is riveting!
Maybe just take pics of the whole magazine and I can print them out to have a copy?
Good stuff Tarik!
you're a poseur!!!
I must come visit some day. Media hog that I am, I can shine the spotlight of press on the tiny island you and the sheep live on.
Silly flatlanders...
How can you say that when I am starting a bicycle lifestyle clothing company called: ¡CochesSonSarcofagos!.
I am keeping it real. Nothing is less poseur than that. Real!
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