
Fact: Nebraska has Pelicans

One of the things I learned on the trip last week is that there are pelicans in Nebraska. I learned this by seeing them. Otherwise I would have thought that I was being BS'd. They were all over the wetlands along 80 in middle Nebraska. Apparently they are just passing through, but there were sure a lot of them. Thanks to google, I learned that they probably breed in South Dakota. I also saw herds of wild turkeys on the sides of the highway, groups of more than 10 in some places.


louis said...

You can see pelicans in the middle of Oregon as well (near Klamath Falls).

Tarik Saleh said...

At least Oregon touches the ocean and they only have to fly across the state, 186 miles to the ocean. Nebraska is two states (500 miles) from the great lakes and three really long states (900 miles) from the ocean. Regardless, I never pictured them as inland birds, but apparently I was very wrong.

gpickle said...

Even CowPelicans get the blues...